

华乐军事网 > 军事新闻 > 中美未来20年如何演变?网友:这样看不到未来


时间:2019-12-20 21:10作者:来源:西陆网手机阅读





1、Paul Denlinger

It depends on how stupid America wants to be. In my opinion, the current bad relationship is based on the bad behavior of the United States.


The United States has made a serious mistake of hoping that the relationship between the two countries will continue as it has for the past 40 years, and assuming that the relationship between the two countries can continue on the current track without any changes. It's like a couple thinking that their marriage is like their entire honeymoon, but that's not the case.


As a result, trump used the trade war as a media tool to incite his voter base. Of course, China will not accept the unreasonable demands of the United States, so the conflict broke out!


What is the final result of this? The rise of China will be tortuous, and the decline of the United States will be tortuous. China's growth will be more difficult because it is more unstable rather than stable, because Trump's entire presidency is based on catering to American nationalism.This is what happened when nationalism rose. Goddamn hormone wars!


2、Paul Denlinger

There is a saying in the United States that “a big tree can never hide an elephant”. Before China launched a trade war to fight back, the United States has continued a decade of provocation!Yes, China can't hide any more. This is the most real situation at present!


3、Chow Po Sun

Yes, in the face of American provocation, China fought back!The method may be too hard handed and unsmooth but it''s necessary.But China is too hard-lined in approach which I agree leaves much to be desired, but at least people can now claim themselves be Chinese more confidently. At least compared to Hong Kong right now (which I would claim it''s what would happen to China?)


4、Asia Nicks

What are you saying? Is there any problem with the brave counterattack in the face of provocation? You have also admitted that all the bad situations are caused by the United States. Instead of blaming the perpetrators for their irrationality, you criticize the bravery of the rebels instead?


5、Jianfeng Zhang

I agree about China and The US will not going to coopertion in the foreseeable future.


But The US hasn't yet had a record of direct conflict with a major power of the same level or near the same level.Not to mention that both country are nuclear powers.The people in chrge must be clear about that than us common.


o personally,I''m not worry about the future very much.


6、Tommy Back

Badly. This is more than a trade war.


Listen to the speeches by Steve Bannon Peter Navarro and John Bolton. The US and the collective west have finally woken up to the fact that for 400 years they had dominated the world; grabbed territories wherever they went, exploited resources, enslaved people, they had a good run. First the Portuguese and the Spanish, then the French and finally the Godzilla - Britannica.


The British Empire ruled by Britain for more than 200 years; then the baton was passed on to a new more powerful member of the Anglo sphere - America. The West finally imploded in WW2 like cowboy bank robbers retreating to the desert and shooting at one another when they failed to agree on sharing the loot.


The Collective West came to their senses and decided enough is enough. They decolonized; set up global institutions; embarked on globalization, promoted free trade, advanced democracy to prevent another world war.


The US managed to bring down 3 challengers; first Germany, Japan, then the Soviet unx. But these 3 powers were not on par with the US. Germany had a powerful military but a weak economy. Japan had a powerful economy but it has only less than one third the population of the US. The Soviet unx has an economy about 25% of the US.


Then came the rise of China under the radar. While the west were distracted first by the Cold War, then the war on terrorism, then the Great Recession. For 30 years, Trump and his hawks finally saw China for what it is, a country with 4 times the US population and twice the population of the Collective West. A country that had copied most of the western technologies that had enabled the west to subjugate the world for 4 centuries.


To Bannon its now or never. If the west does not stop China''s rise now, there will be no other chance. Both the Democrats and the Republicans share this same view. So this is NOT a simple trade war. It won''t be business as usual henceforth. It will be a new cold war between the West and China, that will persist for the next 20-30 years.


Globalization will be scaled back. Newly industrializing countries will face severe headwinds. It''s very difficult to become another China. This riled the US and caused it to turn on China with Bannon as the chief ideologue who went on a world mission to demonise China.


Is US a malevolent power or benevolent power?You be the judge.


Until the Civil Rights movement in the early 1960s, the Constitution did not protect the coloured races and black Americans. The country was built on slave labor until their emancipation in 1865. The railroad was built by Chinese coolie labor from Guangdong. When it was completed, Congress promptly passed the Chinese Exclusion Act (name speaks for itself, no explanation needed)。


And the white Europeans settlers committed wholesale genocide of the native Americans. In 1830, at the request of the 7th President, Andrew Jackson (ex soldier and scoundrel) Congress passed theRed Indian Removal Act. The white Europeans wanted the rich farming land and the Act said all Indians must be relocated to the west of the Mississippi, inspite of treaties guaranteeing the IndIans reservation lands.


Those tribes that resisted were forcibly removed or killed. One of the tribes that resisted was the Cherokees. Many were killed, the rest were packed off to the Oklahoma territory, then empty waste land. Many resettled Indians died of starvation and diseases in areas where the land and climate were unfamiliar to them.


And then we have the Middle East and Vietnam where atrocities were committed. Whole sale bombing. Civilian deaths were brushed aside as collateral damage. My God, what a callous dismissal. Then we have the use of agent orange in Vietnam. Until today, 44 years after the Vietnam war, its effects are still be felt by the Vietnamese.


Amazing that these protestors in Hong Kong are waving the old glory and singing the star spangled banner. Face it stupid Honks, the Americans don't want you. They are using you as a pawn to destabilise China. Wake up, morons!


7、Tommy Back

They are bound to loose. China''s isn''t Iran. China has other weapons against the sanctions: exporting infrastructure and low interest loans instead of wars. They just gotta convince puppet EU that China and Russia are better partners than USA.


8、Sal Muri

Is that what happened to Port built by China in Sri Lanka??


I don't get you White Chinese supporters. Is it the new trend to support a country that is completely antithesis to your beliefs such as freedom of speech and freedom of religion.


9、Tommy Back

Read up yourself. you are listening to much on American propaganda. Sri Lanka''s loans from China is only 10 % of all its loans. The port is leased for 99 years, not four military purposes, and gives SL a lot of cash. Do some fact checking before you scream


10、Mateus Mahumane

The EU can not chose friends to their liking, they are bound together with the US through NATO. US military bases are there to see to it that such thing does not happen.


11、Brian Francis

No one knows the future for sure


12、Heng H. Teo

I pretty much agree with everything you said here except one important fact.


China invited US to join in the BRI (Belt & Road Initiative- the official name of this largest pan-nations project with as of todate 100+ countries signing at least an MOU as partners) and AIIB ( its funding arm with 93 countries as members) more than once.


But the US not only refused, but even urged her allies not to, and some broke ranks, others not, such as Japan. However Japan seems to be reconsidering according to “reliable” sources. As for Hambota port of Sti Lanka, I think China made a naive mistake of trying to help out by agreeing post contract to take responsible for making the port viable through accepting Sri Lanka proposal offering 99 year lease as partial payment. But nobody listen to the facts when the narratives of the US propaganda is so eloquent and pervasive.


The Chinese are no match for the Western media in getting their media to saturate the vast majority readers'' mind. As a amusing side note to this, do you know which country''s business corporation (one energy company) benefiting from this port as of 2019? A very large Indian Corporation which has recently completed a energy depot a short distance away from the port along the Sri Lanka coast is making use of the port for its supply! Ironic that some Indian commentators who are ignorant of this fact, do not know one of their national energy company is using that port. There''s just so much ignorance around due to disinformation and misinformation.


13、Charlie Li, Electrical engineer

With the development of China US relations at this speed, I can't see the future. Just as we tried to normalize relations with Russia in the 1990s, your opponent would say that you are a Russian agent, and your career would be ruined. Once again, the United States is on the same track, targeting China. Andrew Yang, for example, is accused of being a Chinese spy because he is Asian, although he is a fully naturalized citizen.


In addition the amount of fear mongering against China as been incredible in the past few years. Chinese American scientists who can be the workhorse of universities and research institutes are routinely under scrutiny. Some have had their titles and honors stripped based on only suspicion.


14、Elm Shea

adly much of what you say is true. The demonization of China/Chinese has long history in the west rooted in 'Yellow Peril' racism which continues to this day.


15、Dwight Gray

I forsee trials and tribulations.Our pisiveness is killing us. Couple that with another superpower apprenticing for world dominance.For the entirety of its existence. The U.S. has sought, and achieved global economic dominance, often by spurious means, all in the name of the allmighty dollar.


Wars and conflicts for what?


Leadership degraded into corporate agendas……


We lost our way.


China has found theirs……!


虽然,对于美国网友“ Elm Shea”对于当前美国的种种抱怨究竟是否属实,老铁也不能给出准确的意见,但是对于他提出的一点意见,老铁却表示十分赞同:









